Tuition & Fees Schedule

Tuition Includes: Tuition, Registration Fee, and Workbook Fee
7th-12th Grade Schedule:
- First Child - $6,180
- Second Child - $5,520
- Third + Child - $4,800
1st -6th Grade Schedule:
- First Child - $5,880
- Second Child - $5,220
- Third + Child - $4,800
Pre-K4 - Pre-K5
- First Child - $5,880
- Second Child - $5,220
- Third + Child - $4,800
Daycare: Pre-K2 - Pre-K3:
- First Child - $6,000
- Second Child - $6,000
- Third + Child - $6,000
Annual Fee Details:
- Family Assessment Fee (paid in split installments in June and July) - $400/family
- Re-Enrollment Fee (due upon re-enrollment) - $30/student
- 1st - 12th Grade Fees (per student 1st-12th Grade) - $325/student
- Technology Fee - $200/student
- Student Activity Fee - $125/student
- $25 per month after the 10th day from the payment date and then accumulated each month thereafter until paid.
WITHDRAWAL FEE (per student):
- A 10% early withdrawal fee based on the remaining tuition balance will be accessed per student.
The bus payment will begin in August, with ten (10) monthly payments.
- 1 Child - $1,250 ($125per month)
- 2 Children or more - $2,000 ($200 per month)
- Single day bus rates also available
Only available for students in Daycare through 6th Grade.
- $12/day per child
- Maximum of $45/week per child
Payment Options:
- Annually: Tuition and fees are due in full by August 1, 2025.
** If a family pays their tuition in full by August 1, 2025, they will receive a 3 % discount on tuition only. ** - Semi-Annually: Tuition and fees are due in equal installments on August 1, 2025, and January 1, 2026.
- Monthly: Tuition and fees are due in 12 monthly installments through FACTS beginning in June 2025. The due date may be selected as either the 1st or the 15th of the month.
New Applicant Fees:
- Non-refundable new applicant fee - $100/student
(due at the time the application is submitted)
General Information:
- Everyone obligates themselves to the annual tuition and any other fees placed on the financial statement, including but not limited to cafeteria charges.
- Monthly payments are due on the 1st or the 15th based on your selection of the payment date. It is considered late, 10 days after your due date. A $25 late fee will be charged to past-due accounts for each month the payment is late. Delinquent accounts of more than 30 days subject the family to interruption of their child/children’s education, reporting to the credit bureau, and legal efforts to collect the money.
- Starting ages:
Daycare (Pre-K2): 1-year-old to 2 years old
Pre-K3: 3 years old by September 30, 2025
Pre-K4: 4 years old by September 30, 2025
Kindergarten: 5 years old by September 30, 2025 - It is the responsibility of the parent to notify the business office by phone or in writing if your child's bus status changes in any way. You will be responsible for the fee for the period of time the office is unaware of the change.
- If a family becomes more than one month behind on their account, their children's extracurricular activities and/or education may be interrupted until the amount in arrears is paid in full. In the event the account is sent to an attorney for collection, 25% will be added for attorney fees. Also, past-due accounts may be reported to the local credit bureau.
- There will be a $25 NSF charge for any returned checks. If a student withdraws before the end of the school year, a withdrawal fee will be charged per student.